
Welcome to the Team Insanitea home page.
Our primary objectives:
1. Use lead based paint.
2. Eat/drink lead based paint.
3. Ignore objectives 1 & 2. (While painting cats.)

Our secondary objectives:
1. Publish a role playing game development environment for/using Python.
2. Build an optimized role playing game development library (including Python tools.)
3. Work to build synergy with other Python initiatives (CP4E), other open source computer role playing game environments, and our user communitea.

Some preliminary misinformation:
1. The Insanitea Role Playing Game
2. The Insanitea Design

Some of our projects:
1. PyCDX

Team Insanitea would like to acknowledge/ignore the following people/cats:
1. Funky Gringo Software
2. Python
3. SourceForge
4. CDX

040600 jriehl
Copyright © 2000 Team Insanitea. All rights reserved.